AYI #63: Guest is Katie Oelker. Katie Oelker is a financial planner turned financial coach who specializes in helping individuals payoff debt and save faster than they thought possible. Her clients include parents wanting to stay home more with their children, women who are trying to clean up their finances post-divorce, and those who stress about money despite making good incomes. In this episode, Katie dives into taking on debt as a entrepreneur and how to payoff debt faster. Katie also gives 3 simple tips to consider when taking on debt in your business or personal life.
Contact Information
Katie Oelker
Website: katieoelker.com
Facebook Group: Financially Free Females
Instagram: @katieoelker
Twitter: Financially Free Females
Susan Leonardson
Email: hi@susanleonardson.com
Website: susanleonardson.com/discover
Facebook: facebook.com/susleonardson